Queries the Placekey API and, if successful, returns a placekey. See https://docs.placekey.io/ for more information.
get_placekey( location_name = NULL, street_address = NULL, city = NULL, region = NULL, postal_code = NULL, iso_country_code = NULL, strict_address_match = FALSE, strict_name_match = FALSE, key = Sys.getenv("PLACEKEY_SECRET"), ... ) # S3 method for data.frame get_placekey(.data, strict_name_match, strict_address_match) # S3 method for list get_placekey(.list, strict_name_match, strict_address_match)
location_name | The name of the place. |
street_address | The streed address of the place. |
city | The city where the place is located. |
region | The second-level administrative region below nation for the place. In the US, this is the state. |
postal_code | The postal code for the place. |
iso_country_code | The ISO 2-letter Country Code for the place. Currently may only be US. |
strict_address_match | If set to `TRUE`, a Placekey is only returned if all fields identify the place as being at the exact address specified. If set to `FALSE`, the Placekey returned may ignore unit/apartment/floor information. Optional. Default `FALSE`. |
strict_name_match | If set to `TRUE`, a Placekey is only returned if all fields identify the POI as having the exact name specified. Optional. Default `FALSE`. |
... | Unused; allows |
.data | A dataframe containing the columns `street_address`, `city`, `region`, `postal_code`, and `iso_country_code`. |
.list | A named list elements named `street_address`, `city`, `region`, `postal_code`, and `iso_country_code`. |